The First World War that began in 1914 ended by the peace treaty of Versailles in 1919.  As a result of the war many were killed and many were wounded and several countries in Europe were collapsed.  People of England faced many difficulties after the war.
     After the First World War, the use had become the foremasts super power of the world and as Britain’s trade and economy were badly shaken, she receded to the background.  During the war England had borrowed a lot from the use.  So, the war had incurred a heavy national debt to the country
     After the war the armies were demobilized which resulted in unemployment, the cost of living which was raided during the war never came down.  The two important industries of England namely the coal mining and railways were badly hit.  The employers wished to reduce the wages as their profit decreased.  Discontent and dies-appointment prevailed all over the country.
     The women played an active role during the war and had become politically important.  So all women over 25 years and men over 21 years were given the right to vote and the parliament was elected on universal suffrage.
     The labor party won the election of 1924 and formed the first government.  It remained in power only for eleven months.  Though it was looked upon with fear in the beginning.  It had become strong and now it is one of the two major parties of England.
     The conservatives came too power in 1924.  During this period, trade declined and unemployment increased.  Demand for coal declined and so the mine owners reduced the wages which resulted in the miners’ strike.  To support the miners, a general strike of all trade unions was declared in 1926.  Because of the steps taken by the government, the strike was a failure.
     Due to the crash in the New York stock exchange, whole Europe faced a depression.  Mac Donald, the then prime minister called for a national government to solve the financial crisis.  Because of the drastic measures taken by the national government, the economy gradually improved.
     In 1936, the king George v dies and was succeeded by his son Edward viii who abdicated after ten months.  So his brother Prince Albert became the king George VI.
     Irish republican army revolted against England and the revolt was put down by the state police and the special police.  In December 1921, an agreement was made by which Leland was divided.  The south Ireland became the Irish Free State and the north Ireland remained as part of England.
     The experience of the war and its devastation had deeply affected the people.  As all their hopes of prosperity were shattered, they had become pessimistic and disillusioned.  The literature of the time reflected the despair and hopelessness that prevailed all around.  James Joyce and Virginia Woolf wrote stream of consciousness novels.  T.s. Eliot’s poem reflects the chases and frenzy of the period.
     The innovations of the twenties came under the title modernism which was influenced by imagism and symbolism.  Ezra pound introduced imagism by using images to communicate messages.  Symbolism makes use of symbols too evoke feelings in the readers. Web. Yeast and T.S. Eliot made use of images and symbols in their poems. W.b. years were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
     D.H. Lawrence, Pearl s. Buck, Aldous Huxley, Christopher Isherwood and graham Greene were the popular novelists.
     Irish literary movement revived the dying Gaelic language and the early history and literature of Celtic which led to the founding of abbey Theatre of Dublin where the plays of GM Synge and seen O’Casey were staged
     Children were attracted by the comic films and Walt Disney comic characters.  Disney made a full length cartoon film with sound to entertain the children.
     Charlie Chaplin was the famous film star.  Laurel and hardy was the noted comic pair.  Margaret Mitchell’s novel gone with the wind was made into a film in 1939 and it broke all records.  The Hollywood celebrated its golden age.
     Pablo Picasso, the famous painter created the new style of cubism, in music the new form called jazz became a passion and new sounds were created by jazz men like roll Morton, king Oliver and duke Ellington
     Because of the devastation of the world war, life between the two world wars was filled with despair and hopelessness.  All forms of art reflected this mood of the period.


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K.Revathi.secondB.A(English) said…
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kanagam.II.B.A(English) said…
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