            The colonies established during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In 16th century  all over Europe , adventurous men, inspired by the Renaissance, set out across the wide oceans in search of wealth or liberty.  
Cause for colonization.
            At the end of the 16th century many people left England and settled in America and other foreign lands. After the reformation, people dissatisfied with the life in England. Some others, who possessed no land England ,left the country with the idea of getting land in the new land. After the wars of Roses wealth increased which temped to take over sea enterprises.
It was first colony to be found in America by Sir Walter Raleigh. Only in 1607, the settlement was made by a group of men under the leadership of John smith and they called it Jamestown  in honor of James I, the ruler of England. Smith and his men worked hard and produced Tobacco & Potato.             
New Plymouth
            In 1620, a group of puritans called the Pilgrim Fathers set out in a ship called Mary flower, and landed in Cape Cod.
            The colony of Massachusetts was set up by a group of wealthy puritans who received a charter from the King Charles I in 1629.their chief town was Boston and Massachusetts was the chief colony of New England.
Rhode Island & Connecticut:
            In 1636, Roger Williams, a religious leader with his men settled in a place called Providence from where came the Rhode Island, the smallest of the Colonies.
            Thomas Hooker another religious leader settled at New Haven and called the colony as Connecticut. So also the colony of New Hampshire was later formed.
Mary land:
            The first Roman Catholic settlement in America was made by Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic in 1634. In honor of Mary, the mother of Christ, the colony was named Maryland. Though it was a Catholic settlement, the colony was open for men of every faith and religious toleration was the chief principle of this colony.
New Amsterdam:
            The Dutch had settled in the colony of New Amsterdam. This Dutch colony was assigned to the Duke of York. After the Dutch war in 1664, this settlement passed into the hands of English and was named New York in honor of Duke of York.
            Pennsylvania, which means Penn’s Woods was the settlement made by William Penn, a Quaker in 1681. The city of Philadelphia was founded in 1682 by Penn. He also found two other called the colony of Delaware and New Jersey.
            Eight noblemen called proprietors were given the territory south of Virginia in 1663 by  King Charles II. This settlement was called Carolina. Later it was divided into two as North and South Carolina.
            The youngest of the thirteen colonies was founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe, the humanitarian. He got the lands between Carolina and Florida to settle the poor debtors who were in the prisons in England.
Other colonies:
            In 1670, prince Rupert got a large province in Canada. Apart from this, colonies were made in West Indian Islands, Barbados and the Island of St.Kith and Nevis. In 1655 the Island of Jamaica was made a British colony by Admiral Penn.
Trade with Africa & India:
            Through the trade with Africa, England established her power in south Africa. Gold and slaves of West Africa attracted England and through the Royal African Company, England brought home ivory, gold and dyeing materials. They also shared in this slave trade with America.
            By the Royal charter given to the East India company by Queen Elizabeth in 1600,trade with India was started in 1609 and factories were set up in Madras, Surat and Calcutta.
Other territories:
            The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 made England the possessor of territories in all parts of the world. They got possessor of Gibraltar, Minorca, India, Island of St.Helena and many of the West Indian Islands.

            Thus during the Stuart age, by the hard work of the English adventurers, colonies were made in America, West Indian Islands and trade centers were established in south Africa and India. 


sivaranjani II ba English said…
l like this blogs and this is very useful for me
aafreen.alaudeen 1st ba eng said…
the points r wonderful

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