PROBLEMS IN PRONUNCIATION 

    A chief characteristic of the human being is his ability to communicate complicated messages to his fellow beings. Recording every aspect of his activity. A child will learn from a very early age to respond to the sounds and tunes which his elders habitually talk to him gradually .He will start imitating the required sound familiar. In other words, he starts using speech. This constant exposure to the spoken form of his own language helps him acquire his first language without difficulty .However, the mastery of even the first language will take a number of years.     

    The New Language , Second language The second language .Which is a new language is learned by the child at a later stage .So it is no wonder there that learning another language later in life. Acquired artificially without the stimulus arising from the tedious and demanding task. The consolidated base of the first language will lead to its pull, which will affect the second language, learning this is known as the pull of the mother tongue , pull means influence. 

    In short , acquisition of a second language or effort . The childs ready and facile imitation helps the learning of the first language; the second language requires more effort. The teaching of pronunciation presents particular difficulties grammatical structures can be ordered and taught in a sequence. A vocabulary can be used for the presentation of early grammatical structure. In the case of grammar special sets of lexical items can be added as the situation or special purpose require.Pronunciation , on the other hand , does not permit such progressive treatment.

     All phonetic /Phonological features are potentially present from the very first lesson. The teacher of english pronunciation must deal systematically with the pronunciation must deal systematically with the teaching of pronunciation , even though he may be forced to postpone the correction of some mistaken in the early stages.

     Organizing the teaching of pronunciation relevant points: 1) What form of pronunciation is to be taken as a model? 2) What level of performance is aimed at? 3) Can the difficulties of English pronunciation he ordered ? 4) What general principle should underlie the teaching of pronunciation? Choice of models This is a matter of special importance as four as English is concern one reason is the worldwide use of English. Another reason is the large number of different parts of the world where the foreign learner has his own problems. A careful , intelligible style has to be a... A realistic immediate solution lies in the choice of one of the main models of English as the main model of English to be practice. English R.P is an important choice as a basic model. R.P has international prestige and is already taught throughout the world. The target of a model should be minimum general intelligibility. The teacher has to be an expert. The teacher has to be an expert. 

    The teaching of pronunciation has to be concentrated on those features of English which are not found in the learners native language. Special features of English English has certain special features which the teacher and the learner of pronunciation should remember. There is no connection between English spelling and pronunciation in most cases. English is written in one way and it is spoken in another way. 

    There are only 26 letters represented.44 different sounds. There are many cases of letters which are silent in words. Stress (Accent) The stress or Accent is an important feature of the English language. Timed rhythm of English utterance , but it a single word or connected speech with related of weak syllables is the prime distinguishing feature of English pronunciation this is no exact parallel in any other language .In other language do not have stress.

     Stress or Accent is an important feature of spoken English stress is the degree of force with which a syllable is pronounced .Certain syllables are pronounced with greater force. This greater prominence is due to stress .That is greater breath force. Greater muscular effort and greater amplitude of vibration Of vibration of the vocal cords in the case of voiced sounds. Certain English words will have the stress on the first syllable and certain others will have the stress on second .Third or the remaining syllables connected speech also once importance point is that in English speech , stressed syllables occur at regular intervals of time English has a stress timed rhythm. Intonation Intonation refers to significant changes of pitch and stress in relation to utterances.

     English intonation is typically English, It is not the same as the intonation of any other language. In English we have rising intonation and falling intonation . In between there are certain other variations also In Short , English intonation is subtle and complex and it requires thorough practice. Conclusion. Teaching English pronunciation challenge . English is written in one way and spoken is another way. And there is no connection between spelling and pronunciation in many cases. 

   The pull of the mother tongue is another problems for a student who learner English as a second language .In addition to this , the characteristic features of English like stress and intonation also create problems for the teacher and learner as a second language and determined efforts .The teacher has to be an export and the students have to be interested.


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