Creativity and Imagination

Creativity and Imagination


Creativity surrounds us and expresses itself in the form of innovative ideas in our everyday life. It is a skill that can be practiced daily to solve life's problems as well as discover its opportunities. In fact, it is the ability to apply reason and logic to new or unfamiliar ideas, opinion or situations.

Creativity Defined:

There is a common misconception that creativity belongs to a few gifted individuals, or it pertains to the field of arts. As a result, many who do not consider themselves as the artistic type neglect the development of their creative skills. Let’s look at what defines creativity. To be creative means turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. The Dictionary defines creativity as ‘the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods and originality” It is also defined as ‘ progress, or imagination’. As a matter of fact, creativity is characterized by the ability to see the world in new ways, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and to generate solutions.

As we have seen earlier, creativity should not be tied to a specific discipline or a craft, it is indispensable everywhere. It is pertinent in arts, entertainment, business, mathematics, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and physical sciences and is the cornerstone of civilization.

Reflections on Creativity: 

It is important to define creativity because it can ran different things to different people. If you refer to the thesaurus, you will find the following synonyms for the word ‘creativity’: Cleverness imagination imaginativeness ingenuity inspiration genius inventiveness originality resourcefulness talent vision.

A short film is just a short movie with a clear, compelling story.It is an excellent fun side-project for the beginners. A short film can be live-action, animated, or computer generated. Like feature films, short films tell closed-ended stories with a distinct beginning, middle, and end. The best short films have a clear focus and are economical with their storytelling, utilizing only one or two locations and few characters.


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