WHAT IS LANGUAGE

 Origin of language:

     The origin of language, spoken and written, its relationship with human evolution and its results have been studied by scholars for centuries. Some people argue that the origins of language probably relate closely to the origins of modern human behavior. Many others do not agree various theories have been popular about the origin of languages.

     However there is no general agreement Since the early 1990 s many linguist, Archaeologists, psychologists and Anthropologists, have tired to study the origin of language using modern methods. The following quotations from Charles Darwin 1871, shows some early speculations about the origin of language,

             “I cannot doubt that language owes its origin to the imitation and modification, aided by signs and gestures of various natural sounds, the voices of other animals and man’s own instinctive cries”-         Charles Darwin.  In 1861, historical linguist Max Muller published certain speculative theories recording the origin of spoken language.

Theories of Language:

 1)The Bow-vow theory: The Bow-vow theory or the cookoo theory considers the origin of early words as imitations of the cries of animals and birds. 2)Podr-pooh theory : This theory considered the first words as emotional interjection and exclamations caused by pain, please or surprise. 3.Ding-Dong theory : This theory says that all things have a vibrating natural resonance, encode by somehow by man in his earliest words. 4.Yo-he-ho theory: theory claims that language emerged from collective rhythmic effort, the attempt to synchronize muscle effort resulting in sounds. Such as leave alternating with sound such as ‘ho’ This theory are given by the German Philosopher Max Muller. 

    It is believed that once, the human ancestor had discovered the mechanism for sounds with meanings. Language automatically evolved and changed. The exact way Language evolved is however not considered important to the study of languages. It is generally believed that European’s spoke a kind of language which 23 words, 10,000 years ago during the Ice age. Some of this 23 words are still used in modern world according to researchers. The words are I,U,V, Man. The oldest words spoken also include “mother” and “to give”. We can be proud of the fact that Tamil is one of the oldest language in the world. Tamil originated more than 5,000 years ago. Sanskrit also originated more than 5,000 years ago but it is not a living language today. Tamil is highly developed living. 

    The origin of Tamil is believe to be during 2,500 BC. With 70 millions people speaking Tamil in different parts of the world, it is a longest surviving language in the world. Greek, Chinese, Hebrew, Latin are also very old languages. But is interesting to see that English. The global language of communication is only 1,400 years old. In the influence of British Empire and the continuing power of America are reasons for the popularity of English. Qualities and uses of the language: A language is all the words used by a group of people and grammar, the rules for making them into sentences. People who speaks the same languages can understand each other. But people speaking different languages cannot understand each other. Only human beings used language. Even though, other animals communicate through other means. Human language has developed over the years.

     It has syntax which is a set of rules for connecting words meaningfully to make statements and questions. Other animals may inherit a set of calls which have pre-set function. Language may be used for speech and writing. It is known as the interchangeability. Human beings use language for thinking also. The uses of language are deeply fixed in human culture. We can say that in edition strictly communicate user, language has social and cultural users. Language signifies group identity language leads to social stratification. Language also helps social grooming. Language is a structure system of communication. Human beings acquire language through social interaction in early childhood. Children’s generally start speaking in a language approximately by the time they are three years old. Language is used to communicate ideas and feelings. We use language to argue a point, provide direction clear  is a variety Eg: Dialect(Dialectal), sociolect and Idiolect


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