English is the most widely distributed of all the language of the world. It is spoken by more than 300 million people. It is the common means of communication between the people’s of the different nations. English has occupied a unique position in the educational system in India.Even after independence it continuous to be major language. Having prestigious position in our society Lord Macaulay in his famous minutes of 1835 education. Clearly supported the Western education in India. Through the medium of English. It is significant in the context of the that is being given to English even to this day. The learning of English proved to be a beneficial in more than one way.

Uses of English language:

English is commonly used as a medium for the communication of information and news . All the telex messages, telegram, computer data processing, satellite communication or only in English. More than 4000 news paper in the world are in English. Even the English is a minority language in few countries. English news in television place a vital role in communication .

English for business diplomacy and professions:

English is a major language of international business diplomacy men of various countries are likely to use of commodites are deal in English. It is also an official language of many professions and international organization.

English for entertainment:

America and British music albums heard all over the world movies, books interesting tales through some television or all playing an important part and spreading English popular culture. English is also very important for international travel English is spoken in all popular hotels, tourist attraction, airport shopping mall and centres.

Other uses of English:

English is a neutral language that is used avoid giving anyone indigenous languages too much prestige. It is the language of government. People who speak English have a certain status in society 200 and 50 million Chinese (more than the population of the US) are learning English on TV. It is usually the first and most commonly taught foreign language kn many countries and people understand at a little atleast.

English is a national link language:

Even now English is playing the important role as the national. Link language for the purpose of inter state correspondence and the language of trade as commerce between the different parts of the country besides being the associate official language for interstate communication and communication between the state and the centre English is the only language that is understood by the educated people all over the country. Without English both official and private communication between many parts of the country will be completely cut off. It is the language of the law courts across the country. It is the medium of instructions in schools and colleges. As books and journals in higher education are available in English it is indispensable in college and universities.

English is the language of science and technology:

The standard books of science and medicine engineering etc.. are available only in English. As the language in India are not yet fully developed. It becomes absolute

necessity for us to have the knowledge of English. Which serves as the key to all scientific and technical formation. English is much needed to keep to peace with the fact advancing of the world.

Utility of English language:

In the field of trade industry and administration all correspondence is done only in English though in many states regional language have come up to occupy important place, in the centre English. Still continuous to English the dominant position. So Indians cannot afford to without the study of English.

International language:

English is the language of UK, U.S.A Canada &Australia.It is second language in India,Russia, France ,Africa, Pakistan etc.. So it is common language not only of the states in India but also of the different country in the world. It is spoken and understood all over the world English English help the interesting the relationship of people living in different countries of the world. It has become a world language and it is the means of international communication.

English the window on the world:

English is a language rich in literature humanistic scientific and technical. It is the window on the world language and it is serves to the gateway to present throught and culture. Only a sufficient mastery of English will give the student an acess to treasure of knowledge. English is a highly developed language through English only we come to know about advancement taking place all over the world in field of science medicine and human activity. If we discard English the we will be closing a window on the world of technology.

A rich and beautiful language:

English is a rich and beautiful language. It has a vast vocabulary so written can express his thoughts well using the choicast word and idioms of his language thoughts whether simple English. English has a highly developed literature. In the quality of thought and style English remain unrivaled.

A passport for employment:

A person with the knowledge of English has good chances of employment any where and every where in the world the knowledge of English provides a privileged person to a person

Improvement of teaching English in India:

In order to improve the teaching of English in Indian school refresher courses must be organized for the teachers so that they may get the knowledge of the latest technique in such programmes they get the chance of listening to expects and to discuss their practical problems and get a solution for them audio visual aids should and text books should be selected according graded syllabus. Examination system be improved class rooms should not be over crowded but well furnished lighted and ventilated corrections work should be corrected regularly. If efforts are made Earnestly the prevailing conditions can be improve definitely.

Future of English as a library language:

The most important role that English has to play in India. To ads as a Library language . In order to keep themselves abreast of the latest development in the field of science and technology our students have to acquire a reasonable amount of proficiency in English. English is a language which is rich in literature scientific and technical. If we given up English we would cut ourselves from the living stream of ever growing knowledge English is the only means to prevent only means to prevent our isolation so our student should continue to study English and stood obtain a sufficient mostery of English.


English has a special place in India to day. It is not only a world language but it also a language but it also a language with an historical and cultural association. To us Indians it is a second language. It is used as then medium of instructions in school and college and it is used as a lingua franca to day we need English not only for practical purpose but also for identify ourselves with those who use English in India and abroad.


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