-KAMALA WIJERATNE

            ‘A White Flag Across a by Road’ is a war poem, the other a love poem. Both relate the futility of human hopes and endeavours. In the former, a young soldier’s body is brought home and the pathos of the event as well as circumstances which made him a soldier are expressed poignantly. This poem on seeing a white flag across a by road side depicts the death of young soldier. His body was covered in a white national flag and kept inside a sealed box. No one identified him. The soldiers’ body was brought to his home by his comrades.

            The mother and sister of the soldiers were shocked to see his dead body. His sister was crippled and she moved forward in grief. The soldier fought for the country but the administrators did not honour him for his death. He was not given any floral tribute. His death was not mourned by anybody except his family members.

            The Neighbours enjoyed cricket match in the Telvision. There was a betrothal function at the next door .There were firing crackers and inviting people to the reception at the Intercontinental Hotel. The blue bottle is the only creature which expressed its grief by raising it voice. The candles melted and the day was about to come to close. The body of the solider was taken for burial.

            The main theme of the poem is the death of a young soldier in Srilanka in the war. His death was not recognized by the higher authorities and his body was brought home by his comrades in a casual manner. The poets remind us that it is an act of insult for the soldier who fought for the country.

            No floral tribute is paid to him. His death is not mourned even by his neighbours. This poem highlights the attitude of the people in the society. At the close of the poem, the poet gives the picture of candles to comfort the sad heart of the warrior’s family members. He was not given any floral tribute. His death was not mourned by anybody except his family members.

            The main theme of the poem is the death of a young soldier in SriLanka in the war which took place. The soldier’s body was brought in sealed box and his identify was not known to the public. The soldier’s mother and crippled sister could not tolerate the feeling of his death. Though he fought for the country, nobody recognised him. The blue bottle was the only creature which raised its voice to honour the dead soldier. The neighbours indulged in their own personal work and never bothered about his death. The poet had given the picture of the people around and the society. The other soldiers, who were his friends, had done their duty by bringing his dead body to his native place. The dead soldiers’ body was laid to rest. The Nation had simply saluted him without paying any honour. The government did not viewing cricket match in the Television. They enjoyed their time by sitting around and drinking coca cola. They were very much attracted by the T.V. screen rather than what was going around.


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