Necessity for Study of Literature

 Necessity for Study of Literature


    This essay focuses on the importance of study of literature. Literature is described as the reflection of life. As there are a number of nations and languages in the world, there are a number of Literature. The significance of literature is so great that it cannot be considered as a mere repository of fables and parables. Literature is found in various genres such as Poetry, Prose, Play, Fiction, and so on. This essay puts forth the reasons why study of literature should be given priority.

Literature as the Identity of a Society

    Language and Literature are considered to be the identity of a society or a nation. It is a documentation of the way of life, values and ethics, social and religious beliefs of the bygone ages. Over and above, the reading of literary works will also illustrate what types of political systems and governance existed in the past. Literature plays a very predominant role in the sustenance of a society’s traditions and conventions. Not only that, it transfers them to the successive generations. Without the perusal of literary of works, it would be difficult for one to acquire knowledge about one’s forefathers. As a result, they may be left without any idea of their own roots. Wherever people migrate in search of greener pastures, they will be eager to carry with them, their way of life and culture and they will also make endeavours in the earnest to enlighten their children about their roots.

    For keeping the identity of a society alive and vibrant, and also transmitting it to successive generations, the role of literature is of most vital importance, For example, Sangam Tamil Literature helps us learn about the art, culture, civilization, warfare and martial skills of ancient Tamils who lived over two thousand years ago. Akananooru, Purananooru and Tamil Epics help in a very big way to fathom the cultural richness, glory and heritage of our forefathers. Since Literature offers identity to us, it should never be ignored.

Literature as a Force of Unification:

    The previous part expatiated upon Literature as an identity provider. This part explicates the fact that it can also serve as a unifying force. Ancient Tamil poet Kaniyan Poonkundranar articulates the view that Yathum Oore Yavarum Kelir; Theethum Nandrum Pirarthara Vara (Every Landscape is intimate to my heart scape, Entire humanity is my fraternity, Good and Evil none will bring). Literature aims at unifying people. Given the fact that the world is inhabited by humans and literature provides a portrayal of human passions and sentiments, the dictum that literature is one and humanity is one gains currency.

Literature as an Instrument of Morality:

    Reading of literary works offers delight and knowledge to readers. It makes them forget about their anguish and agony and provides them with composure and tranquillity. Further, it is also perceived as an instrument of morality. One can learn from literature what to do and what not, whom to befriend and whom not and how to live and how not. For example, Elankovadikal’s Sliapadhikaram highlights the fact that if anyone, be it an ordinary civilian like Kovalan or a king like Nedunchezhiyan, walks away from the path of righteousness and honesty, they will have to pay a heavy price for it. But at the same time, it elevates the female protagonist Kannaki into the position of god because of her chastity. In addition to that, Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural, the woman poetess Avaiyar’s Aathisoodi and other works like Kondraivendhan and Naladiyar offer both enlightenment and ecstasy.

    Since literature is perceived as a force of morality, perusal of literature will make one ethical, upright, scrupulous and benevolent. Those who develop inclination or leaning towards literature will abstain from vices and evilness. To develop orientation towards literature will enhance one’s stature. Literature that teaches moral values is called didactic literature.

Literature for Language Development

    Ornamental articulation is defined as a feature of Literature. The difference between ordinary language and literary language is that the former simply gets across the message or information to the listeners whereas the latter because of its depth would make a profound impact upon the readers. For one to become an effective communicator, love of language is essential. If learners routinise the habit of reading any literary works, their language skills will increase manifold. Such people will never allow communication gap in their deliveries which occurs due to inadequate or improper expression.


    This essay has presented the nature and central functions of literature. Being reflective of mankind is the nature of Literature. It offers identity to a society and as an instrument of morality, it prevents people from making mistakes, committing crimes and sins and so on. It depicts the fact that the role of literature is of great value in the creation of an Ideal Society. Furthermore, it also provides language empowerment for people. Considering the fact that literature is an integral part of human life, we cannot afford to bring down its importance.


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