LANGUAGE GRAMMAR AND PEOPLE

     Language is the common means of human communication . Language includes all the words by the speaker as well as grammar. Grammar refers to the rules for making use of the words to produce meaningful sentences. Human language has developed from which terms serve many useful purposes for humanity. Grammar Grammar is the way we arrange words to make proper sentences .At the word level grammar lovers verbs and tenses, Noun and Adverb.

    At the sentences level grammar includes phrases clauses and reported speech determinants preposition, pronouns, conjunction are also important arrest of grammar. The rules of grammar help us make meaningful sentences .It linguistic grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases and words in a normal language.         

    And it is also by phonetics , semantics and pragmatics. Importance of grammar Grammar is important because it teaches us how to use language in a comet and accepted manner. Grammar tells us the type of words and word and word. Groups That make make meaningful sentences not only in English but in any language. In Europe the Greeks were the first to introduce grammar, for them grammar was a text to study Greek literature.

     The Romans accepted the grammatical system of the Greek and applied it to Latin, Latin grammar become the foundation of the literal arts plan of teaching English one of the earliest method Grammar is very important in learning a language properly as a second language mastering grammar is one of the problems experienced by the second language or the foreign language learner. 


    Two approach to the study of Grammar There are two approaches to the study of grammar , deductive and inductive. The deductive approach gives the general grammar translation method of teaching English followed by the deduction approach , and the inductive approach gives the correct example. First and finally comes to correct the rules. The modern approach to teaching English grammar is mainly inductive. 

    Generative or transformational grammarians of the second half of the 20th century such as Noam Chomsky studied the knowledge that native speaking have which make them capable of producing and understanding a limited number of correct sentences .But description descriptive grammarians like Saussure examined sample of individual speech in order to come to a description of a language. The transformational grammarians like Chomsky first studied the underlying structure of a language they attempted to describe the rules that define the native speakers competence .Noam Chomsky introduced the concept of linguistic competence in his discussion on generative grammar.

    Language used with the rules of grammar makes a person more acceptable in society. Language and people (Human progress) Language has helped man's progress in all fields , Human language has helped the remarkable growth of civilization. Language is powerful and it has a great role in shaping society. It is valuable to express and share how we feel as close as we can put into words. The influence of language on society and its values is quite significant. Language is intrinsic to the expression of culture .

    It is the means by which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved. Language is a source of power. Power grows when you can communicate for more reasons to more people. Culture affects language, giving rise to words and influencing their use of language supports culture and plays a great role in promoting social relationships. Language and the progress of modern man Modern man has advanced knowledge and masters of technology. This is the result of modern man's mastery of language .Modern men is called homo-sapiens who can think and act .The ability to think is the result of the use of language .The most important tool for thinking is language with his ability to think with intelligence and logic .modern man has achieved great progress. English is the global lingua franca commonly accepted language of communication .It is the language of internet and technological revolution . Good English communication skills is a sure path to success in the world. Knowledge of English provides better employment opportunities. Language has considerably helped the growth of human civilization and human progress in all areas of life.


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