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                                                 PROBLEMS IN PRONUNCIATION       A chief characteristic of the human being is his ability to communicate complicated messages to his fellow beings. Recording every aspect of his activity. A child will learn from a very early age to respond to the sounds and tunes which his elders habitually talk to him gradually .He will start imitating the required sound familiar. In other words, he starts using speech. This constant exposure to the spoken form of his own language helps him acquire his first language without difficulty .However, the mastery of even the first language will take a number of years.           The New Language , Second language The second language .Which is a new language is learned by the child at a later stage .So it is no wonder there that learning another language later in life. Acquired artificially without the stimulus arising from the tedious and demanding task. The consolidated base of the first language will lead to


                                                                        THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER                                                                                                                                            -EDGAR ALLAN POE Introduction :           Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston. He is known for his poetry and short stories. Poe is considered to be the inventor of the detective fiction genre and has also contributed to the genre of science fiction. “The Fall of the House of Usher” is a short story published in 1839 and was revised in 1840. The story may be based upon events of the Hezekiah Usher House, which was located on the Usher estate. The story is considered the best example of poet’s Totality where in every element and detail is related and relevant. His notable works are; The  Black Cat The Tell-Tale Heart The Gold Bug “I became insane, with long ,intervals of horrible sanity.” Fear of the house:           The story has man


                                                               SPOILING THE NAME                                                             KAMALA DAS   The poem is all about the role of the name of an individual especially woman in society (patriarchal). The name which is given by someone else becomes the defining factor for that individual. The poet explains how this name is a burden for her and how society restricts her movements because of it. The poem falls under Confessional poetry. Stanza 1 The poem begins with the phrase, I have a name. According to the poet, the name was given to her by someone else for his own convenience and she has it with her since last 30 years. Now that it is her identity, she is often advised not to spoil her name. Spoiling here refers to the acts that are against the norms of society. She is thus asked to abide by the rules of the society or else her name i.e. her identity will be affected. The poet says, “I feel, I must laugh” because

Creativity and Imagination

Creativity and Imagination Introduction: Creativity surrounds us and expresses itself in the form of innovative ideas in our everyday life. It is a skill that can be practiced daily to solve life's problems as well as discover its opportunities. In fact, it is the ability to apply reason and logic to new or unfamiliar ideas, opinion or situations. Creativity Defined: There is a common misconception that creativity belongs to a few gifted individuals, or it pertains to the field of arts. As a result, many who do not consider themselves as the artistic type neglect the development of their creative skills. Let’s look at what defines creativity. To be creative means turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. The Dictionary defines creativity as ‘the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods and originality” It is also defined as ‘ progress, or imagination’. As a matter of fact, creativit