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                   Social History of England


                         The term 'renaissance' is derived from the French word meaning 'rebirth'. 
                          It is used to describe this phase of European history because many of the 
                        changes experienced between the 14th and 16th centuries were inspired by 
                         a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome.

The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th and early 16th centuries to the early 17th century. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that is usually regarded as beginning in Italy in the late 14th century. These are the period of the European Renaissance or New Birth, one of the three or four great transforming movements of European history. The Renaissance movement first received definite direction from the rediscovery and study of Greek literature, which clearly revealed the unbounded possibilities of life to men who had been groping dissatisfied within the now narrow limits of medieval thought.
  •           The term  Renaissance can be applied in many fields of literature like Inventions, age of translation, education,discovery and art and architecture.

  •  In invention the art of printing was introduced in to Europe by John Gutenberg of Germany in 1415.Another invention of great important was the "Mariners compass" which enabled sailors to undertake longer voyage.

  •  The period of the Renaissance was also an age of translation Virgil , Ovid, Cicero Demosthenes and Plutarch were all translated into English.

  • Columbus discover the continent of America in 1492. Vasco Da Gama reached Calicut on the west coast of India  in 1498. Magellan set out on his exploration of the pacific in 1519. 



satisfied information
the information which was given regarding renaissance was useful.
Unknown said…
renaissance information was enlighten me
Anonymous said…
it's different view
Unknown said…
renaissance information was very useful to me
Anonymous said…
it is useful for me to know abt the renaissance..
kaneshka 1st ba english said…
great information.......
aafreen .alaudeen 1ST BA ENGLISH said…
its helpful as it is given in points
suganya 1st ba english said…
thanks to the management
haripriya II BA ENGLISH said…
the information which was given regarding renaissance was useful.
bharathi II BA ENGLISH said…
its helpful as it is given in points
tamilmeena II BA ENGLISH said…
renaissance information was enlighten me
suganya II BA ENGLISH said…
satisfied information
ramya II BA ENGLISH said…
renaissance information was very useful to me
Hema 2nd english said…
the information that was given about renaissance was very useful..i gain more knowledge on this topic than before
Tharani IIND ENGLISH said…
nice informations...
deepa 2nd english said…
very helpful
rujana II nd english said…
this blog helped me to gain more informations about renaissance..
saranya 2nd english said…
very inovative one.
Unknown said…
innovative method to learn about literature....!!!
R.Raji II.M.A.Eng said…
i known some new information about renaissance. thanks,.,
revathi2nd eng 'a' said…
its very nice..........

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