Video Conferencing

 Video Conferencing

            It is a technology or visual communication through which two or more users or individuals from different locations can conduct face-to-face meetings. Video conferencing enables any individual to manage and save time and money. It is used to conduct official meetings, seminars, interviews, training programs, board meetings and for educational purposes. Informal video conferences are called “video call” or “video chat.” The quality of any video conferencing application/software depends on the network strength and speed. Through video conferencing application/software users can converse with each other and will create similar experience like that of direct meeting or a face-to-face meeting. A good Video Conferencing application should be credible and would provide high quality video and helps the users to instantly connect with their audience (Team, Officials, Students, etc.,).

Tools/Equipment required for Video Conferencing:

1. Smartphones / Laptop/ Tablets/ Desktop Computers

2. Web Camera

3. Wifi or Data Connection

Applications/Software used for Video Conferencing:

1. Zoom

2. Google Meet


4. Cisco Webex

5. GoTo Meetings

6. Slack

7. BigBlueButton

8. Skype

9. BlueJeans

10. Whereby

11. Blackboard Collaborate

Uses of Video Conferencing

1. It allows companies or organisations with many branches to connect instantly with each other and work effectively.

2. Video Conferencing helps to save time and money required to attend meetings in person (Direct Meetings). It helps to schedule meetings instantly.

3. It provides features like screensharing, Live Chats/Sessions, White Boards/annotations, etc.,

4. It facilitates virtual meetings.

Video Conferencing Skills:

1. Check data connectivity and strength of the network signal.

2. Select a good Video Conferencing Application or Software that cater to your professional needs/purpose.

3. Maintain proper dress code.

4. Familiarise yourself with Video Conferencing Application/Software for better performance.

5. Avoid chaotic situations or distractions around you.

6. Allow others to convey their opinions before expressing your views. (Listen carefully to others opinions and thoughts. Never interrupt anyone during meetings.

7. Set your workplace with laptop/mobile in a clear background with proper lighting which is essential for a good quality video.

8. Always be conscious about your Body language. Maintain eye-contact during official and professional meetings, seminars, Job interviews, etc. Try to communicate with your audience through gestures, facial expressions etc.

9. Users should respond immediately to any questions posed and provide sincere feedbacks and opinions. This will motivate and encourage others and helps to boast their confidence as well.

10. Check Video and Audio clarity before starting a video conference.

11. Prepare the contents/materials for presentation prior to the online meeting. The contents should be drafted in a concise and precise manner.

12. Conduct a mock video conference with friends and family prior to any important meetings or conferences.


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