Self-management skills boost your productivity
and performance at work, which helps in achieving professional goals. It is a
soft skill that increases your employability and gives you more control over
your career path. These skills are essential to showcase that you will be a
reliable employee.
are Self Management?
Self-management skills allow people to control
and regulate their emotions, thoughts and behaviour effectively in different
situations. Employees with strong self-management skills can set independent
goals and do everything possible to achieve them. Such employees know the importance
of controlling emotions and behavior at the workplace.
Employers prefer candidates with strong
self-management skills because when someone finds it difficult to control their
thoughts and emotions, they might end up snapping at a customer or saying
hurtful things to their colleagues. People with self-management skills are
better at managing their behavior, which leads to smarter workplace actions.
Why are Self
Management Skills are important?
Developing these skills not only helps you
speed up your career graph, but they are helpful throughout your life. Here are
a few reasons why you should master these skills:
Make you more organized
Boost confidence as you know things are in
your control
Increase accountability and responsibility
Prepare you to face any situation in the
Help you set goals and prioritise things to
achieve the best possible results at the workplace
Examples of
self-management skills
Here are 6 examples of self-management skills
you should master for achieving success at the workplace:
1.Stress management
Stress not only shows in your physical
appearance but adversely affects the way you function at your workplace. With
stress hampering logical thinking and rational decision-making, it is essential
to manage workplace stress proactively. Often, employees under stress are
incapable of achieving their goals because they constantly worry about things.
This reduces productivity and affects mental health. Coping up with stress
helps you self-manage your emotions. For de-stressing, follow these simple
Surround yourself with high-spirited people
Practice meditation
Maintain a healthy diet
Take power naps in your lunch break
2.Time management
Everyone has the same 24-hours. The way you
manage your day-to-day activities decides your ability to meet deadlines. With
strong time management skills, you priority tasks, maintain focus, work in an
organized manner and avoid potential distractions. Always remember that your
time belongs to you; make the best use of it. For effective time management,
follow these simple tactics:
Create and implement a time management plan
Set time limits for every task
Create daily work routines and stick to them
Priority tasks
Delegate responsibilities
Reduce the use of your phone and social media
at the workplace
6. Use time management tools
3. 3. Organizational skills
Organizational skills
help create a structure, boost productivity and help priority tasks requiring
immediate completion against those you can postpone. Maintaining organization skills at the workplace ensures you do not develop poor work habits like
clutter, inefficiency and miscommunication. From planning a project to keeping
your workstation free from piles of documents, organization skills help you
achieve workplace responsibilities. For exceptional organization skills,
follow these simple tactics:
Create a to-do-list
1. Set up calendar reminders for deadlines
2. Set a routine and stick to it
3. Ensure your computer and workstation are free
from clutter
4. Plan your time
Self-motivation is the ability to encourage
yourself to achieve a goal, even when it feels challenging. Once you achieve
the goal, it gives a sense of satisfaction and pride. It helps to develop the
determination to complete various tasks and achieve goals in the workplace.
External factors do not affect self-motivated employees as they are driven by
their desire to excel. Self-motivation at the workplace results in promotions,
builds trusting relationships with colleagues and increases chances of working
on projects of your choice. To self-motivate yourself, follow these simple
Set goals and build a plan
Develop a reward system for yourself
Challenge yourself to learn new things
Think positively
Surround yourself with motivated and
high-spirited people
Come out of your comfort zone
Accountability is about employees taking
ownership of their thoughts, actions and behaviour. Mastering this skill
ensures you do not blame others for mistakes you commit in your work. It
empowers you to trust yourself. Accountability in the workplace is about
building trust and staying committed to doing the right things to achieve a
common business goal. Employees with this skill set are more committed to their
work, are high on morale and deliver exceptional results.
Adaptability means learning new skills,
policies, procedures and behaviors in response to changing work environments.
The more you can adapt to changing circumstances, the better employee you will
be. Adaptability also drives productivity and showcases your ability to be resourceful.
Adaptable employees are flexible and effectively respond to their work
conditions even when things do not go as planned. Moreover, adaptability is a
critical leadership skill and mastering it would make you better equipped to
face challenges.
Self-management skills
at the workplace
Here are a few self-management skills at the
workplace that allow you to strive for your goals and build a healthy work