RIGHT ATTITUDE AND COMMON SENSE



Common sense is sound practical judgement concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge that is shared by nearly all people. The word "Common" goes along with the word "Sense" Common Sense is a special gift. It can do wonders in life. It helps human beings live in a clean environment. It has five senses to understand the world and they are senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

Common Sense

     We understand ourselves and the world through the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. It can also mean both feeling and thinking. A sensitive also mean both feeling and thinking.   A sensitive person feels too much and a sensibile person thinks quiet well. Therefore common sense has come to suggest practical wisdom and understanding. Like language, it also distinguishes humans from animals. Without language and common sense, human being cannot be what they are today, the most advanced and you will be able to very successful in your college and in life as a respectable citizen.

Benefits of Common sense:
    The word "Common” goes along with the word 'sense', unfortunately, it is most uncommon in the world. By using common sense, you can shake up the world , as Galileo did with his telescope. By his observation, he concluded that the earth is not the centre of the world, because it goes around the sun. By using common sense, you can ask a simple but a very meaningful question like what Newton did. Every one before Newton saw the apple falling. But they did not going up although it was thrown up towards the sky.

Caution about Common Sense:

        Sometimes, common sense may also prevent you from taking risks or doing something differently. For example, idly is usually made from rice flour. But the, if you try you can also make idly from raggi flour. Of course, the colour and taste are different. But then this is one of the best ways of fighting the demon of diabetes in India. Diabetes is a deadly disease in India because people tend to eat food because largely on rice. Taking medicine throughout one's life is not the best solution but changing the food habit is. If you want different results, then you must do things differently. As Shiv Khera famously says in his widely-read book You Can Win,

'Do not do different thing. Do things differently.'



     If you do not get good marks, change your way of preparation. If you do not learn English successfully, change your approach to learning English. if you are not able remove fear and shyness from you do not run away from them. If you are fearful, you cannot fare well. If you are shy. Your cannot fly. Even if you are not born with the capacity to fly. You can do so with repeated practice. Read a great motivational book titled Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. It tells you that a seagull can fly better than an eagle if it is determined to do so. If you try, you will surprisingly find that guidance and help come to you in some form or the other. If you do not try, no one will notice you to help you.


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