Presentation skills basically refer to the ability to communicate in an effective way whether in small or large groups. The process involves explaining and showing the content to an audience. Powerful presentation call for powerful presenters. Appearance is the most and the first important thing during presentation. Most people make an assessment within 30 seconds that often lasts a  lifetime and can be almost impossible to change of incorrect. The mirror exercise will get you more present to who you are in the world.


                 The presenter must have the following intentions in his mind:

                          a) That each member of the audience is respected and valued.

                          b) That he should add to the knowledge of the audience.

                          c) That he should develop the individual organization.

                          d) He must not do any harm.

                Consciously or unconsciously a live Communication takes place through body language. The presenters view and his intentions towards the audience must be taken into account. If the presenter is being patronized, frustrated or if he behaves like a martyr or if he is insincere towards the audience he would be easily discriminated by them. If the intentions of the presenter are honorable he would be forgiven whereas if he proves to be incompetent or smart enough he would not be forgiven by them.


                    The Presenter has got more responsibility to pass the message while comparing it with the audience. Greg, the presenter was exceptionally good and so proud of his accomplishments. He had written a book on how to lead a successful life. He was also trained in such a manner that he had won prizes in marathon running. Many of his audience had felt inferior in his earlier presentations but later they had realized that they could not reach his dizzy heights. Greg was very particular about his success and least bothered about the audience. But when Greg changed his focus about helping others to succeed, the audience became more interested in what he is going to offer for them. People are motivated when they want to learn. The greater the desire, the greater will be the learning. The presenter, right from the beginning of his speech, must capture the attention and interest of the audience. In corporate, the employers are given the opportunity to present and though they might have the technical expertise it is communication and presentation skills that would determine their future career in the company.


                 Comfort words are words that are used by the presenter as it enables him to think. These may be comfortable to the speaker but would be totally annoying for the audience. These words are also called as space fillers. Utterances such as you know, umm, well, naturally and obviously are the words commonly used by speakers. It is advisable for the speaker to eliminate them and remain silent during their presentation than to fill the space with inane words.


                   It is natural with the people to remember the beginning and the end rather than the middle. Typically, an average listener could listen only for a short duration of time. After about 20 or 30 minutes his mind might start wandering and the internal or external distractions may dominate. At the end of the presentation he may realize that the presentation is coming to an end and so he may pay some attention to gain some idea about the presentation.


                 The presenter could capture the attention of the audience by highlighting the points through stories. It can be a borrowed story or a humorous story. If it is a borrowed one it has to be acknowledged. Improving the credibility with the help of the personal experiences that the presenter does not want to come across in future .By telling quotations or Zig Ziglar. By repeating brief and arresting sentences as "Training Program don't work". By telling a catchy statement like "The level of happiness in the world has not improved in the last 50 years." By telling word 'Silence'. This is the best way to grab the attention of the audience but it has to be used in a skillful manner otherwise the audience might ignore. By asking a rhetorical or direct question. Before asking the question the clue regarding the questi on to be asked must be given.


              If the audience intends to do something they must know the purpose and as to why they are doing something and what benefit they would acquire from it. The audience must be provided both the physical and mental comfort. They must be challenged but they should not be resisted by the ideas. They must be provided the physical comforts also. The room must be cool as it would keep the audience alert. The rooms must be adequately provided with lights as it could develop a rapport with the audience. They must be permitted to break for food and drinks and to refresh themselves. Time must not be idly spent, the audience must be kept active. The presenter must also be enthusiastic because if hefeels flat the audience would also loose the enthusiasm. The presenter must visualize himself through a video as he can find out the judgement of the audience.


            By encouraging questions. By maintaining eye-contact. People make eye contact while they are interested and avoid it if they are uninterested or unhappy. Watching the body signals like fidgeting, looking at watches, leaving the room for few minutes, are the body languages. Most of the communication takes by body language and therefore attention must be paid to it. Discuss with the audience. By role plays the errors could be corrected. Avoid destructive criticism. Maintain good relationship with the audience-smile and walk forward when a question is asked. Walking backward reveals the hidden message, the incapability of answering to the question.


                 Thus, presentation must be powerful, appearence  is the basic thing and the assessment made by  the audience often lasts a lifetime and almost impossible to change. People remember the beginning and the end of the presentation rather than the middle.


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