
Personality refers to characters or behavioral traits. They are not inborn but need to be developed over the years. A great person exhibits.

A positive attitude to anything be comes across.

1. Good character

2. Self-discipline.

3. Interpersonal skills'

4. Empathy

5. Corporate ethics.

6. Self-discipline and maintaining- good habits mould great personalities.

Interpersonal skills:

Interpersonal skills play a major role in the personal and professional life of a person. It can be said that our personality is reflected in the way we have to exhibit our warm relationship with our relatives.

Interpersonal skills refer to maintain healthy relationship with others unmindful of their shortcomings and nature. It is believed that a person who values interpersonal skills normally shows empathy towards those who suffer.

Importance of interpersonal skills:

It helps to develop a healthy bond with others, helps to understand others' shortcomings and accept them as they are In business transactions goof interpersonal skills help in securing goof business dealings, which automatically paves the way for professional growth Attitudes develop on the ABC model affect behavioral change and cognition Types of attitudes there are various types of managerial attitudes that are discussed in the following section. These attitudes pervade all aspects of activities.

1. Negative attitude:

We all know people with the type of attitude. Whenever a new idea is brought up, instantly respond by saying that it won't work. They may cite an individual or group that has already tried it and failed, or they may have another reason why it won't work Although all ideas are not always good ideas and there may be reasons why an idea won't work, people with a negative attitude dismiss all ideas before they are fully discussed. As a result, food ideas are passed over. The essence of this attitude is that trying something new is fraught with danger so we had better keep doing things the same old way

2. Reactive Attitude:

Many people have reactive managerial attitude. Although they may see change occurring, they don't respond to it. Their approach is if I ignore it, it will go away. They often stick their head in the sand until the situation cannot be ignored any more. When they are forced to react to a situation, their options are often limited.

3. Entrepreneurial attitude:

Entrepreneurs are innovators. They are always trying to figure out new ways of doing things. The status quo is not good enough. They search for opportunities and innovative ways of taking advantage of these opportunities.

4. Rational attitude

The rational attitude subdivides into the thinking and feeling psychological functions, each with its attitude.

5. Positive attitude :

A positive attitude implies a way of thinking that is predominantly positive and optimistic. The opposite inclination. a negative attitude is predominantly pessimistic.

Positive character traits:

As these skills are necessary for interpersonal relationships and as relationships will always require certain positive character traits, one should verify at one time or the other whether one has

1. Trustworthiness

2. Mutual faith

3. Personal integrity

4. Moral courage

5. Competency.

Formal interpersonal skills:

These are a must for any formal interaction or official communication. They establish the first bondage and build up warmth. The following are the skills put to use frequently.


It is asking and giving polite and courteous replies to questions. The question may be of any kind, say interrogative questions, Yes-No questions or Rhetorical questions but the tone applied should be able to elicit the desirable or intended response. While the Yes-No questions may not show the intentions and the interest of the other person interrogative questions should encourage the other person to come out with true and detailed information wanted by us. The enquiring person should stay silent as it would help the person understand the question and situation better and come out with more information

Demonstrating Respect:

Respect has to be shown to all the people. Whatever be their age and social status. Some people, when they are in a group, rush to exchange pleasantries with men of high status and ignore those of humble status. Men in important positions or those who have just started their career should treat everybody with respect and encourage them to come out with their opinions and ideas which can be use to improve the work


Without acknowledgement any communication cannot be fulfilled. It will become weaker and the purpose may not get served. Due and immediate acknowledgement

is a must for a career builder and one should know these values are reciprocal Acknowledgement is a kind of support to the other person's viewpoint or contribution to us. It can be verbal support which is an indication of moral support that frequently happens in one's personal life.

In educational institutes, encouraging research, presentation of papers in conferences and publications is an acknowledgement of the intellectual caliber of the members of staff.


Personality skills in the wake up of an extraordinary population, explosion, struggle for survival and advanced science and technology are more complex and demanding than in the past. Though there is acute competition for jobs and for safe living, there is explosion in technology and communication too that create plenty of opportunities. Grabbing of the opportunities and doing the given assignments well depend not only on a sound technical know-how but on good understanding of interpersonal interactions. Shaking hands and holding them together are the base on which the edifice of achievements can be built


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