WORDS IN COMPANY

     Usually when we speak, we do not do it in single words .we make use of groups of words to speak continuously. we may make a pause after a group of words. But we do not make a stop during it. Their may be long groups of words used in our conversation.

     Let us take the following example ● Last Wednesday I wanted to go up to London early so I go a train about half an hour before My usual one and started to work about half past eight. When one group is closely connected grammatical to the next group. There is a very slight pause marked by (|) when two groups are not closely connected there is a long pause marked by(||).This double bar is also used to mark the end of a complete utterance. Along utterance can be broken in to shorter groups. In the example of the longer sentence given above ,we can a short pause after last Wednesday (|)I wanted to go up to London early (||) So I got a train (|) before My usual one (||)and started to work (|) about half past eight (||) This long sentence shows how it can be broken in to short and long pauses you have to listen carefully to good English speaker to understand clearly how they make pauses. Syllable The syllables is the smallest convenient unit of speech syllables are formed by combing phonemes. 

    The structure of a syllable is(C)V(C) C stands for consonants and V stands for vowel A vowel is compulsory in a syllable consonants are optional in a syllable. we can say that vowel is the nucleus of the syllable. According to a number of syllables in a word. words are classified as a) Monosyllabic b) Disyllabic c) Trisyllabic and d)polysyllabic. Example of Monosyllabic 

Ask-/ɑːsk/ cow- /kəu/ Disyllabic Doctor /ˈdɔktə/ Above /əˈbʌv/ Trisyllabic Beautiful/ˈbjuːtɪful/ Calculate/kælˈkuleit/

     Polysyllabic Examination /ɪgˈzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ Unavoidable /ˌʌnəˈvɔɪdəbl/ During a word in to a syllable is not always easy especially in english spelling.

    But it becomes easy after transcribing the words using phonetic symbols. Stress Stress refers to the degree of force with which a syllable is pronounced. This is a special feature of English language Indian language do not have stress in words of more than one syllables are not equally prominent.one syllable stands out and it is more prominent then the others. This is the stressed syllable to take an example in words Doctors /dɔˈktə/ which as two syllable the stress is on the first syllable. The syllable which is more prominent in a word is called the stressed syllable (or)The Accented syllable. Primary stress and secondary stress In some words of three or more syllables there may be two syllables that are prominent for example in the words Examination /ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/which has five syllables that second and fourth syllables are more prominent. In such cases the syllable that is more prominent gets the primary stress and the syllables that comes next in prominence gets the secondary stress. How to Mark stress The stressed syllables is marked with a vertical bar above and before the syllable. That is stressed in the cases of primary stress Eg: Doctor /ˈdɔktə/ Above /əˈbʌv/

     In English words There are various stress patterns some words have the stress on the first syllables. Some other have it on the third syllable. A Good Dictionary of the English will help you identify the English stress patterns simple point helps to locate stress. Syllables which are not actresses contain the veel /ə/instead of clearer vowels. The vowels /ə/only comes in unstressed syllable eg:/ˈdɔktə/ /əˈbʌv/ stress from the second syllable behind /bɪˈhɑɪnd/ Example of stress on the third syllable Entertain /ˌentəˈteɪn/ Afternoon /aːftəˈnuːn/ Weak forms of words Weak forms of English words are significant in English speech. Lets us take the sentence. "It was too expensive for them to buy" /ɪt wəz tuː lkspenslv fədðm tə bəi/ Look at the pronunciation of the words was ,for them and to in the sentence All of them are pronounced with vowel /ə/ in connected speech or conversation but when these words are pronounced alone. They take the form of /wdzʃlfɔː/ /tu/ /ðem/.The forms of the words with the vowel /ə/ used in connected speech are know as weak from of the words. Give him /giv ɪm/ The common words which hade weak forms also have strong forms. Strong forms are used when the words is stressed strong from is used when the word in final position in the group. weak forms are used when there is no stress and strong forms are used when there is stress.

     Rhythm units In Rhythm units one stressed syllable will have unstressed syllable before after it. Within the word group there is atleast one stressed syllable. The length of the syllable in a short group depends on the natural length of the vowel and following consonant if any. Eg: Now /nəu/ Now is a long syllable it has a soothing and there is no consonant following it. Soon /suːn/ is also long syllables because it has long vowel followed by a weak consonant. The stressed syllable may have one or more unstressed syllables before it. It may also be followed by one or more unstressed syllables.

     The fundamental rule of English rhythm is this each stress groups within a group is given the same amount of time. If we leave out any space between syllables belonging to the same stress groups it will remain as a single stress groups. It must be sent in a same word groups. It Must be said that English is stress timed language .In many language the rhythm unit is the syllable it syllable as the same length as very other syllable length as it occurs in English word groups.

    This is the case with French and Hindi. The important point is that in English syllable length is different practicing English rhythm will improve the quality of your speech. The fundamental rule of English is that each stress group is given the same amount of time. Fluency The main thing we must pay attention is the while pronouncing word groups we have to pronunce them fluently and smoothly with no  hesitation in the middle we should be valuable of pronouncing without stumbing over the sounds or sequence of sounds. 

    In English one word is not separated to another by stopping at hestation. The end of one word flores straight to the beginning of the next we can improve our fluency by constant practise. English Intonation The patterns of the variations of the pitch of the voice constitute the intonation of a language. In symbol terms intonation is the tune, music or melody of the language. The voice goes up and down with the different notes of the voices combine to make tunes. we can speak a word group definitely are with hesitation. we can said with anger or kindness we can also say it within interest or without interest. This difference are made by the tunes we uses. 

    The words do not change their meaning but the tune we use added something to the words what is added is the speaker feeling at the movement this way if using tones is called intonation. English intonation is typically English it is not same as that of any other language you must learn the shape of English tunes they may be quiet different form that of your mother tongue. We must learn the meaning of English tones because they are very important in English speech. For example ''Thank You'' can be said in different ways In the first way the voice starts high and ends low Thank you If in English friends invite you his/her how you should say in this way, the voice starting high and the ending is low. This is a sincere way of telling thank you. There is way of second telling thank you this is without any interest in Avery casual manner .In this the voice starts low and ends high. This is done by people when they are busy and they are not interested.


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