ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICATION 


     Communication is passing a message from one person to another. The modern age is an age of electronic communication. Human communication differs from animals. Human speech organs play a vital role in meaningful articulation. Man uses language as a signal system to express his ideas, emotions and experience to others. But effective communication is indispensable for teachers, lawyers, leaders and students. 


       Communication is derived from the Latin words “Communis” and “Communicate”. It refers to sharing of information, ideas and messages from sender to receiver. It refers to meaningful utterance. Sometimes human Communication is affected by emotions and feelings. It binds mankind together in the history of human civilization. It helps to pass over one’s country’s traditional, cultural and spiritual values from one generation to another generation like unstoppable sea waves from time immemorial. 


 Effective communication conveys the meanings of each word clearly to the receiver. Brevity and clarity are the two unshakable pillars of effective communication. Proper intonation, stress and accent play crucial roles in correct pronunciation. Effective communication wins friendship, good relationships, business customers and common people's support easily. Even highly complicated abstract philosophical thought could be explained effectively through effective communication. Students get jobs in interviews through effective communication. “Effective Communication is 20% what you know about 80% how you feel about what you know !”. 


 Communication has five functions. The first one is the personal function of revealing oneself. The second function is meant to control the listener. The third function is phatic communion. i.e to establish a relationship by speaking in a ritualised way. The Fourth function is referential utterance in which information is conveyed to listeners. The fifth function is the creative use of language as poetry, songs etc. “Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.


 An act of passing information

 Random choice of words in Communication

 It is the common man mode of communication

 It is addressed to all sections of people 

 Vague pronunciation 

 It may not be intelligible to all sections of people


 An act of passing information clearly

  The most suitable, apt words to specify things 

 Scholars, leaders and Elite Group Communication 

 It is addressed in meetings, seminars and symposiums to the elite group. 

 Standard pronunciation 

 It must be intelligible to all 

 It is a fired format to get jobs in interviews 

 It is formal with a seriousness of specific purpose 


    There are two types of Communication. The first one is verbal communication. The second one is Non- verbal communication. Communication with words is called verbal communication. Communication with other symbols is called Non- verbal communication. Verbal communication may be oral or written. Nonverbal communication is graphics like pictures, maps, charts, graphs, diagrams and body language.

     Body language refers to appearance, clothing and accessories, Posture, Facial expression, smile, Eye contact, Gestures, Energy, Space and Time. Para language is another Non- verbal aspect of Communication which refers to speed, stress, and silence. “ To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others”.


     Human communication determines the social structure of a country to a great extent. If the Communication among the people is cordial, peaceful and informative, the outcome will be fantastic for the entire country's citizens. But, if Communication is authoritative and rude, the whole fabric of the society will be ugly and the conditions of the people will be inexplicable to the outer world.


 Teachers, Professors, Research scholars, Scientists and eminent personalities' messages will be very effective for shaping or moulding the education standard of the society. Teachers should be role models to their students in communication styles and methods. “ Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win Championship”.


 In business, effective communication will develop not only one’s business in leaps and bounds but also in increasing customers circle in galactic proportion. Customers will gain trust in any products before buying only after listening to or reading effective communication skills of businessmen speeches or advertisements in the newspaper or magazines. So, business communication is the real capital rather than money in business. “ Every act of communication is a miracle of translation” 


Communication is a steel bridge connecting family members strongly with one another. Lack of communication will cause misunderstanding, suspicion, mistrust, irritation, anger and stress. Parents must interact with their children in a friendly manner. 


Good communication will concretise the relationship and friendship. Lack of communication among good friends causes a premature breakup of a friendship. Grateful friends become ungrateful, Loyal friends, become disloyal friends become unreliable friends, softspoken friends become outrageous friends and above all unselfish friends become selfish friends in the end. “ Communication is the human connection is the key to personal and career success”. 


Indian Foreign policy is based on Gandhian principles of Ahimsa and Truth. Good communication with our Neighbouring countries is vital to maintaining a good relationship. India is one of the member countries in Non- the Alignment movement and BRICS. Good relationships with our Neighbouring countries will be monitored by the International community. 


 The human language system is something unique in the world. In the Animal Kingdom, man is known as Homosapiens. That is one who is able to think and express his ideas to others. All other animals merely make sounds and cry to express anger, hunger and danger. Man's speech organs modulate human expressions into meaningful sounds.


Human civilization is a gradual outcome of thousands of years. Stone age, copper and iron age, Farming age etc shaped man's destiny towards perfection step by step. Now, man is in the middle of the modern age with all the scientific advancements and wonders. The world has shrunk into a Global village status due to the advent of modern means of electronic communication systems. But, one thing is constant in the gigantic March of human civilization. That is the role of language and its variety of uses in the world. 


Language causes global cultural, social and economical unity in diversity. It causes oneness among the countries. Language is man's identity among thousands of species in the animal kingdom. Language helps man to express his/her thoughts, emotions and creative ideas to others. Linguistic identity leads to regional identity and regional identity leads to cultural identity and ultimately cultural identity leads to National Identity. Language determines one’s cultural customs and ethos. 


 Traditional ages have contributed a lot of customs and practices to human civilizations. Literary writing in all world's leading languages contributed innumerable religious, cultural and social customs to human civilization.


The Modern Communication system has widened the global sharing of values in human civilization – Language is the most valuable thing among man’s achievements. Scientific inventions and space explorations contribute a lot to mankind. But, Human speech is considered to be the ultimate perfection of man’s achievement. 


Neutral English is modern times requirement free from National bias. It is the universally accepted form. It is a mutually intelligible form of educated English. Neutral English is standard English ideally fit for international Communication


 Most of the students in India are confined to 4 walls of classrooms from morning to evening. They are drilled with a constant verbal bombardment of mispronounced words by instructors. The grammatical structures are overloaded with unnecessary loads of texts and records. As a result, students are exposed to multiple usages of infinite sentence structures. They start thinking that English is confined to the classroom only. “ When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen”. 


Most students think that English books are the only authority of the English language. They are restricted to reading textbooks only. They think narrow-mindedly about the English language. Textbooks from schools to colleges have various sentence patterns and range of word power. They refuse to learn the infinite range of sentence patterns in English due to their narrow-minded outlook. 


 Neutral English is a highly motivational force for the youngsters to express their personal as well as private problems. It has global effects in all fields of each language. As for Indian students, Communication is vital, so, the interpersonal links among the various cultural communities stands tall among other factors such as pronunciation, Standard English, Stress intonation etc. Whether the communicator's message, thoughts, emotions etc. is rightly understood is far more important than mere language's functional rules. “ There is only one rule for being a good talker – learn to listen”. 


 The seven characteristics of Language are: 

 Duality 

 Productivity 

 Arbitrariness 

 Interchangeability 

 Specialisation

  Cultural transmission


 Duality refers to the dual basic functions of each language. “Phoneme” is related to spoken language and “Morpheme” is related to the writing format of Language. A person’s Language skill depends upon how far he/she is well versed in the functional duality of Language. 


  Productivity refers not to the material productivity of industries but the infinite Nature of Language sentence patterns in various situations as time demands. Productivity of Language depends upon the Native speakers and the foreign speaker’s Language skills. 


 It refers to No. The inherent relationship between language and meaning. The usage of language skills varies from scholars to laymen in society. What the scholar means by his articulation might not be intelligible to the layman. So, there exists a supervoid among every member of the society in understanding any Innovative concept. 


 The modern electronic means of communication between the sender and the receiver has assumed Himalayan level wonders today. Billions of people can send or receive messages among themselves billions of thoughts within a fraction of a second. “ Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad Communication. Someone isn’t listening”. 


 It refers to the special nature and the amazing functioning of speech organs in producing vowels, consonants and diphthongs sounds. Animals produce only sounds and cries for expressing their needs. The human language uses signals to convey meaning clearly


 This refers to the connotative and denotative usage of words in the language. A connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some words or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation. A connotation is frequently described as either positive or negative, with regards to its pleasing or displeasing emotional connection. 


 It refers to human language transmission from one person to another by learning. Man sustains his cultural identity by means of cultural transmission only. “ Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence Win Championship”. 


Thus, Communication plays various roles in our society to maintain law and order peacefully forever in order to accomplish Dr A.P.J.AbdulKalam’s dreams of “ Developed country” status within 2020


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