Academic writing assignments come in many shapes and forms; essays, research papers, term papers, analysis essays, informative essays, and position papers. All these assignments have the same goals and principles. But to students, they appear to be specially designed torture instruments.  If you’re writing in a last-minute rush or even if you’re ahead of time, PaperTrue brings you crucial dos and don’ts of academic writing to ensure you turn in brilliant papers. Take a look!

The Do’s:

1.  Write Objectively

Academic writing is objective by nature (i.e., factual, logical, unemotional, and precise). Be impersonal while stating facts, without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices. You’re expected to present all the research and reading you’ve done about a topic in an impersonal,

objective manner.
An objective tone in your writing is achieved by  
– using academically sound sources and data to back up your arguments;

– avoiding the use of cliches and slangs;

– writing in the third person rather than the first or second person.

2. Write Clearly

Make sure that your audience understands the presented themes readily without having to read too much into your paragraphs. Write in a way that the reader understands your ideas clearly.

Following are a few tips to help you write precisely:

 Establish your central topic at the beginning of the sentence, preferably as the subject:
– Let the beginning of a sentence be brief and simple, and put intricate information at the end of a sentence.

– Begin your paragraphs with a topic sentence which summarizes the main point of the paragraph.

3. Use technical vocabulary

Every subject you study has jargon associated with it. Make sure you incorporate such terminology to improve the quality of your essay. It shows that you are grasping the subject.

One main tip to get this done:

– Most textbooks have a glossary of terms with explanations at the end of the chapter or the end of the book. Refer to this section to use such terms correctly.

4. Proofread carefully

Sometimes your articles end up being too long, too contrived, or carelessly worded. And that’s always the case when you’ve written it in the last minute, leaving you with no time to revise the essay. That’s how many grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and typos find a place in your paper. These make a loathsome impression even if you’ve managed to be ingenious with your ideas.

– For thorough refining of your text, trust Paper True. We make academic texts 100% error-free, with enhanced structure & formatting. Our editors are subject experts who leave critical comments to help you fine-tune your essay to the highest quality. A perfect edit under 24 hours!

5. Vary your sentence structure

Readers get bored when they read a series of lengthy sentences, especially in scientific papers. If this happens when you’re dealing with a complex subject, you’re writing might seem obscure. Similarly, it feels rushed to read a series of short, concise sentences.
As much as possible, vary the length and construction of your sentences. Make sure you: 
– Avoid any sentence fragments (incomplete sentences).
– Avoid any run-on sentences (a sentence in which two or more independent clauses are inappropriately joined).
– Avoid any fused sentences (two sentences incorrectly fused).
– Avoid choppy sentences (a succession of short sentences).

The Don’ts:
1. Avoid colloquial language

Be careful about language usage in your papers. It’s natural for everyday conversational English to flow into your writing. You are expected to conform to an academic standard of using formal language.

Once you finish writing, go through your paper again and recognize colloquial language in your writing and systematically edit your work to replace words, phrases, and sentences with acceptable forms so that your writing sounds sincere and objective.

2. Do not use inappropriate fonts or font styles

Please don’t try to get too fancy with how you present your writing. Many students become creative with fonts and font styles in their academic essay to impress their professors. Do this and you’ll sure give the impression that a 6th grader has submitted this paper. 

Use only those fonts recommended in your study guide. It’s usually Arial and/or Times New Roman in 12 points, in black.

3. Be careful with the verb tense  

The tense of a verb indicates whether the time of an event is in the past, present, or future. In academic writing, give careful attention to maintain the tense consistency of verbs. Students often change verb tense by mistake. One minute you write in one tense, then you abruptly switch to another tense.


4. Do not use personal language

The only time you can do this is when you’re writing an admission essay to describe a personal experience or a story. Once you start your academic course, give your voice an even rest as most academic writing should be objective. Avoid using personal pronouns (e.g., I, me, my, we, us, our, you) in your writing.

  5. Avoid using unnecessary words

You don’t want to confuse your reader with unnecessary words and end up frustrating them. A common fault in academic writing is using too many words. You have to adhere to word count as well, so carefully edit unnecessary words and fillers to stay in the prescribed limit.
Keep these pointers in mind, and you’re set to present flawless academic papers to your professors.


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