
Showing posts from February, 2020


                                               FUNCTIONS AND CATEGORIES       Ever since any serious studies in language were made, linguists,right from Plato and Aristotle, have been trying to divide words into several categories, popularly known as parts of speech. This, in fact,is the case with any scientific description that has its own set of technical terms. English grammar is also a scientific study and has,therefore, its own terms. Important categories or categorical labels in English,for example,are nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbs,pronouns,prepositions,articles,conjunctions ordinals,and quantifiers. Different linguists including Plato,Aristotle,Dionysius Thyrax,an  several later linguists have been giving their own lists of these categories, but everybody agrees that words can be divided into certain separate groups.       Some linguists group the words into two broad divisions: full words and empty words. Full words are also named by some as form classes*while empty words are


 ON SAYING PLEASE                                                                                                                                       -A. G. GARDINER INTRODUCTION Alfred George Gardiner was an English journalist, editor and author. His essays, written under the alias "Alpha of the Plough", are highly regarded. He started his literary career as a journalist. At age of 37, he was appointed editor of the Daily News. He made regular contributions to the Daily News, The Manchester Evening News etc. His essays are uniformly elegant, graceful and humorous. „The Pillars of Society‟, „Pebbles on the Shore‟, „Many Furrows and Leaves in the Wind‟ are some of his best known writings. His uniqueness lies in his ability to teach the basic truths of life in an easy and amusing manner. He raises the question of morality in everyday life. ON SAYING PLEASE In this beautiful essay, the writer points out the value of good manners in social life and emphasizes the importance of


  THE HAM FUNERAL                                                             PATRICK WHITE   The Ham Funeral is a play by Australian writer Patrick White . It was written in 1948 and is loosely based on a painting by William Dobell , The Dead Landlord      The play is set in a filthy rooming house in the depressing context of post-war London, and has as its protagonist a young poet whose attempted seduction by the aptly named Mrs Lusty, his landlady, drives the tragicomic drama. The 'ham funeral' of the title is the feast to mourn the sudden death of Mrs Lusty's husband, held in Act 2      The Ham Funeral portrays a young man’s discovery of self and the resultant birth of a poet who had isolated himself from life. In the prologue he has just “woken,” just become aware that he “must take part in the play” that focuses on him. Although he speaks of the “poet’s tragedy”—“to know too much, and never enough,” he is a poet only in


  REINFORCEMENT ·          Introduction ·          Definition of reinforcement ·          B.F Skinner theory ·          Type of Reinforcement ·          Differentiation of positive and negative reinforcement ·          What is presentation? ·          Presentation planning ·          Checklist while preparing for a presentation ·          Conclusion   INTRODUCTION: “TO LETSOMEONE TO MOTIVATE SOMEONE TO STUDY THE KNOWLEDGE OFREINFORCEMENT” -           P. ASHWINI        The study of reinforcement has produced an enormous body of reproducible experimental results. Reinforcement is the central concept and procedure in special education, applied behavior analysis and experimental analysis and psychopharmacology models, particularly addiction, dependence and compulsion. “It indicates a change in behaviour “   DEFINITION OF REINFORCEMENT:            Reinforcement means letting someone know how well they are doing. Term used in operant conditioning. An


                                HOW TO WRITE A SHORT STORY Short stories are a form of narrative writing that has all the same elements as novels—plot, character development, point of view, story structure, theme—but are delivered in fewer words. For many writers, short stories are a less daunting way to dive into creative writing than attempting to write a novel. This doesn’t mean writing short fiction is easy—it, like every other kind of writing, comes with its own unique challenges.  What is a short story? A short story is a short, self-contained work of fiction that generally falls between 1,000 and 10,000 words, because of this length constraint, short stories tend to be less complex than longer works—in certain ways. In a short story, you can build a world, but not to the extent you can build a world in a (longer) novel. Similarly, you can have multiple fleshed-out characters, but you can’t give every character a full back-story and meaningful character arc like you can in