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                                                           THE TYGER                                                                             WILLIAM BLAKE INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTHOR              William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual art of the Romantic Age.            William Blake was a 19th-century writer and artist who is regarded as a seminal figure of the Romantic Age. His writings have influenced countless writers and artists through the ages. HIS MOST FAMOUS POEM :            The Lamb is one of the most important poems in Songs of Innocence. Its parallel in Songs of Experience in Blake's most famous poem, The Tyger. The Lamb is regarded as a poem on Christianity. In the first stanza, the speaker, a child, asks the lamb how it came into being. SUMMARY :              The poem The Tyger by William Blake is written in


                       CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF VOWEL SOUNDS                  Linguistics is a systematic study of language. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics and it is the branch dealing with the medium of speech. It deals with the production, transmission and reception of the sounds of human speech. For the production of speech sounds, we need an air-stream mechanism. There are three main air-stream mechanisms, such as pulmonic, glottalic and velaric air-stream mechanisms. When the air-stream mechanism is used to push out, it is called egressive and when it is used to draw air in, it is called ingressive. Most sounds of most languages in the world are produced with a pulmonic egressive airstream mechanism.            The various organs are responsible for converting the lung air into speech sounds before it escapes into the outer atmosphere. For instance, if we say a prolonged, a prolonged zzz, a prolonged and a prolonged, we see at once two things. We recognize these as


                                                            GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT                                                            WORKING WITH CLAUSES A clause is a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence.  Independent and Subordinate Clauses An independent (or main clause) expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. A subordinate (or dependent) clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. For example, Jeevan studied in the college cafeteria for his exam. (Independent clause) Some common dependent markers are: after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, though, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, and while                                           TYPES OF CLAUSES  The types of clauses are Noun clause, Adjective Clauses and Adverb Clause