
Showing posts from October, 2020

Deduction & Induction

  Deduction & Induction           In logic, we often refer to the two broad methods of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a “top-down” approach. We might begin with thinking up a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data – a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.      Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a “bottom up” approach (please note that it’s “bottom up” and not “bottoms up” which is the kind of thing the bartender says to customers when he’s trying


  SHORT STORIES/ FLASH FICTION SHORT STORY:                          A short story is a piece of  prose   fiction  that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood. The short story is one of the oldest types of literature and has existed in the form of  legends ,  mythic tales ,  folk tales ,  fairy tales ,  tall tales ,  fables  and  anecdotes   in various ancient communities around the world. The modern short story developed in the early 19th century . Definition                     The short story is a crafted form in its own right. Short stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components as in a  novel , but typically to a lesser degree. While the short story is largely distinct from the  novel  or  novella/short novel , authors generally draw from a common pool of  literary techniques . The short story is sometimes referred to as a genre. Deter

A Midsummer Night’s Dream - William Shakespeare

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream                                                                                         - William Shakespeare Introduction:      William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 23 April,1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon . Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre. During his time in London, Shakespeare’s first printed works were published. They were two long poems, 'Venus and Adonis' (1593) and 'The Rape of Lucrece' (1594). He also became a founding member of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a company of actors. He remained with the company for the rest of his career, during which time it evolved into The King’s Men under the patronage of King James I (from 1603). During his time in the company Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous tragedies, such as   King Lear   and   Macbeth , as well as great romances, like   The Winter’s Tale   and   The Tempest .  Shakespea