
Showing posts from August, 2020


    LISTENING AND SPEAKING MAKING SHORT SPEECHES WELCOME SPEECH A WELCOME SPEECH       The signals the commencement of any event or occasion that requires a formal opening. A meeting, a conference, a workshop, or a celebration could be officially opened with a welcome speech. Being the first item in a programme, the welcome speech has to be planned with extra care as it sets the tone of the day’s proceedings.  How will you structure a welcome speech? Here is the sequence that you should adopt: 1. Greet everybody 2. Acknowledge and welcome important guests  3. Welcome all the guests, mention the name of the event/occasion and its host and thank them for being there 4. Present a brief introduction of the host - the institution, the organization, the founder   5. Introduce the occasion 6. Introduce the Chief guest  7. Conclude with a remark that makes everybody feel comfortable and look forward to what is in store. A FEW TIPS THAT YOU COULD FOLLOW WHILE PREPARING A WELCOME SPEECH: 1. Brev


 OF TRUTH                                                                       -FRANCIS BACON INTRODUCTION Francis Bacon was a prose writer of renaissance age, a great philosopher and pioneer of scientific thoughts. He had set some goals in his life. One is to serve his country, second is to serve the church and the other is to learn the truth. His interest in his science and reasoning lead him to write critically about the aspects of life. He wrote many essays which till today receives appreciation and is up to date. Being an essayist his aim was to share the wisdom of his life. Bacon’s style is most remarkable for his preciseness. He has a great command of condensation of the sentences. Each sentence of his essay contains multiple meanings and references. He combines wisdom with brevity and his short, pithy sayings become famous as mottoes and useful expressions. OF TRUTH His writing style is aphoristic which means a compact, condensed and epigrammatic style of writing. He was exper


                                                               BLOOD WEDDING                                                                                     FEDERICO  GARCIA LORCA        Federico Garcia Lorca's  Blood Wedding  is a tragedy focusing on a woman and the two men who love her. The play examines the societal norms that keep her from being with the man she loves. The power of desire is explored as the play unveils the consequences of gender roles and isolation. In this lesson, we'll go over the play's conflict, characters, and themes.      Blood Wedding  is a tragedy about a young woman and two men fighting for her love. The Bride is in love with Leonardo, but their families do not get along, so Leonardo marries another woman. The Bride is also arranged to be married to another man, whom she doesn't love, but will marry to appease her family's wishes. Although Leonardo is married already, he confesses to the Bride that he is still in love with