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                                                                    THE EMPEROR JONES                                                                                                          -O’NEILL       The Emperor Jones Summary At the palace of the Emperor of an unidentified island in the West Indies, Smithers, a Cockney trader finds that all of the servants have left except for one old native woman. He interrogates her to learn that the natives are plotting a revolution against the Emperor, an American fugitive named Brutus Jones.       When Jones awakens, Smithers warns him of the plot and the danger of trying to make an escape through the dark forest of the island. Jones scoffs at the idea that his illiterate, uneducated, and superstitious subjects are capable of outsmarting him. He confesses that he knew this day would arrive when he took the throne since he has been stealing from the island and hiding a fortune in a foreign bank account.       As Jones sets off to escape from

The Winter’s Tale -William Shakespeare

  The Winter’s Tale                                                                             -William Shakespeare Introduction: William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 23 April, 1564 in Stratford- upon-Avon . Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre. During his time in London, Shakespeare’s first printed works were published. They were two long poems, 'Venus and Adonis' (1593) and 'The Rape of Lucrece' (1594). He also became a founding member of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a company of actors. He remained with the company for the rest of his career, during which time it evolved into The King’s Men under the patronage of King James I (from 1603). During his time in the company Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous tragedies, such as   King Lear   and   Macbeth , as well as great romances, like   The Winter’s Tale   and   The Tempest . When we review the drama under di