
Showing posts from June, 2019


                           A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM                                                           -WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Summary               The desire for well-matched love and the struggle to achieve it drives the plot of  A Midsummer Night’s Dream . The play opens on a note of desire, as Theseus, Duke of Athens, waxes poetic about his anticipated wedding to Hippolyta. The main conflict is introduced when other lovers’ troubles take center stage. The question of who the characters should love versus who they do love drives the plot from this point on. The audience may immediately understand that Hermia and Lysander belong together, as do Helena and Demetrius, but the characters’ inability to pair with the appropriate partner, and the fairies’ interference, complicate the conflict. Mirroring the drama among the Athenian nobility, the monarchs of the fairy kingdom also find themselves in a lovers’ tiff. Hoping to teach Titania a lesson, Oberon instructs the fairy Puc


                                        A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN                                                                                                                -MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT    Mary Wollstonecraft is considered one of the most significant early feminist writers and thinkers. Her reputation suffered posthumously due to revelations about her personal life, but today she is viewed as one of the founders of feminist philosophy, and her work is essential reading for students and scholars. She was born in London on April 27, 1759, to Edward John and Elizabeth Wollstonecraft.       Edward inherited a sizable amount of money from his father, a master weaver, but mismanaged his finances as he moved the family from city to city trying to establish himself as a gentleman farmer. Mary‟s brother Edward was the only child of seven to receive a formal education, but Mary became very well-read in the Bible, Shakespeare, Milton, and some of the classical authors. I S


                                      BONDED LABOUR AND HUMAN RIGHTS        Debt bondage has been defined by the united nations as a form of “Modern-day slavery “ and is prohibited by international law. It is specifically dealt with by article 1(a) of the united nations' 1956 supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery. It persists motherless, especially in developing nation which has few mechanisms for credit secretary or bankruptcy and where fewer people hold formal title to land possessions. According to some economists, for example, Hernando de solo this is a major barrier to development they hold no collateral enter pruners do not dare take risks and cannot get credit because they hold no collateral and may burden families for generations to come.          Where children are forced to work because of debt bondage of the family this is considered not only child labour but the worst form of child labour interns of the worst form of child labour convention 1999 of t