
Showing posts from January, 2019


         CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF CONSONANT SOUNDS IN ENGLISH         Description of Consonants: The word ‘consonant’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘ consonautem’, which means the sound produced with the help of some other sound (vowel). A consonant is usually described, taking into account whether it is voiceless or voiced, its place of articulation and its manner of articulation. Manner of articulation refers to the stricture involved and plosive, affricate, nasal, fricative, etc; are labels given to consonants according to their manner of articulation. Place of articulation just means the two articulators involved in the production of a consonant.       Consonants can be described according to their places of articulation. The label used is normally an adjective derived from the name of the passive articulator. The places of articulation that we frequently come across are bilabial, labio-dental, dental, alveolar, post-alveolar, palato-alveolar, retroflex, palatal, ve


                              SPEECH MECHANISM AND ORGANS OF SPEECH           Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds. It may be also described as the study of the production, transmission and reception of speech sounds. It furthers the classification of these sounds into consonant and vowel sounds. Phonetics is also concerned with the manner and place of articulation of these sounds. It also studies the stress and intonation used in the production of speech sounds by us. Every language has its own system of speech sounds. English speech sounds are produced when the air stream coming from the lungs assumes various shapes in the mouth during the process of breathing. In other words, we can say that speech is as essential a function of these organs as are the other function. Pulmonic Egressive Airstream Mechanism is used while producing sounds of English. The word Pulmonic refers to lungs and Egressive relates to throwing out. English is spoken when we throw the air out of our


                                   CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY                                                                                     - ROALD DAHL INTRODUCTION:                     Mr. Willy Wonka, the eccentric owner of the greatest chocolate factory in the world, has decided to open the doors of his factory to five lucky children and their parents. In order to choose who will enter the factory, Mr. Wonka devises a plan to hide five golden tickets beneath the wrappers of his famous chocolate bars. The search for the five golden tickets is fast and furious. Augustus Gloop, a corpulent child whose only hobby is eating, unwraps the first ticket, for which his town throws him a parade. Veruca Salt, an insufferable brat, receives the next ticket from her father, who had employed his entire factory of peanut shellers to unwrap chocolate bars until they found a ticket. Violet Beauregarde discovers the third ticket while taking a break from setting a world record in gum