
Showing posts from October, 2017


ELIZABETHAN THEATER                                     The Elizabethan era was a period during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I from 1558-1603. England thrived under Queen Elizabeth’s reign, and the robust cities flurried with activity. There were great developments in art at the time and it was later considered the height of English renaissance. Life was full of work but there was leisure time as well. Entertainment was plentiful such as feasts and festivals, fairs, dance, music, art, sports, and hunting. Elizabethan theater was the most significant form of entertainment during the 16th and 17th century, it was a time that produced history and culture so rich that it is still remembered and relevant today. Elizabethan theater was a truly entertaining period that impacted all of society bringing out the good and bad of people and setting the stage for future theater.     Before formal theaters, there were groups of wandering minstrels that would perform music and skip around the cou


    SPARROW                                                 -K. A. ABBAS           In Sparrows by K.A. Abbas we have the theme of cruelty, fear, resentment, tradition, connection, redemption and change. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realizes from the beginning of the story that Abbas may be exploring the theme of cruelty. As Rahim is walking home his neighbors silently talk about how cruel he has been to some of the animals in the village. The reader is also aware that both of Rahim’s sons have left him due to his cruelty and his continuous beating of each son for no reason. This may be important as there is a sense that not only is Rahim cruel towards both animals and other human beings but his sons may have lived their lives in fear of Rahim. Never knowing as to why or when they might be beaten. It is also noticeable that all of Rahim’s neighbors stay clear of him. Possibly like Rahim’s sons they too are afraid of what Rahim might do to them sho